Is the Perfect the Enemy of the Good?

Voltaire once said, “perfect is the enemy of the good.” And as a perfectionist in recovery, I can say without hesitation, the boy was he right!

Having high standards motivates us to work hard and to excel in life.

However, the desire to be perfect only handicaps us. It stops us from doing what we’d really like to do. And if it doesn’t, it deprives us of the pleasure of enjoying what we pursue.

Here’s what happens when we reach for perfection:

We become Haunted by Failure

Under the false illusion that our path in life should be a straight line, we become terrified of curves and detours. Nothing sounds more catastrophic than the idea of making a mistake. So we become scared to death of taking risks. Of going beyond the unknown to try something new.

We don’t see failure as an opportunity to learn and to grow. But only as the most intimidating threat to be feared. So we do everything in our power to avoid it at all costs. Even if it means we stop living.

We Fail to Enjoy Success

If we see failure as our enemy then success would be our foremost ally, right? Well no. Even if we succeed, our expectations are such that any success is perceived as trivial. When we accomplish a goal we underestimate it. And fail to savor it.

There’s always something that could have been done better. A mistake that could have been avoided. A detail that shouldn’t have been missed. In the end, there’s always something that we failed to do, even if we succeeded. Because we failed to be perfect.

We Become Color Blind

Through our perfectionist glasses we only perceive two colors on the paint palette: black or white. We fail or we succeed. We lose or we win. We are right or we are wrong. We are happy or we are miserable. We go through life swinging from one extreme to the other.

We don’t feel comfortable in the gray. So we’re uncomfortable all the time. We desire to be perfect so badly that we don’t realize the greatness of a beautiful yet imperfect life. And because we don’t, we miss out on all the wonderful colors of the rainbow.

We Think We’re Superman

We start to believe that we can achieve the impossible. The humanly impossible. We set the bar unattainably and unrealistically high. So high indeed that we can’t even see where it is. Yet we keep trying to reach for that perfect plateau. Because we’re convinced it exists. Not realizing we’re only setting ourselves up for failure and disappointment.

We think, ‘if it isn’t perfect, it isn’t worth it”. And because nothing is, we just stop trying. We start to believe whatever we do, we’ll fail anyway. So we give up. Because trying to achieve the unachievable becomes too heavy a burden to bear.

We Let our Imperfection Define Us

We start to base our self-worth on how perfect we are. And when we realize we’re not even close to being perfect, nor will we ever be, we’re fooled by the idea that we aren’t really worth anything.

So we do everything we can to look perfect. To act perfect. To be perfect. No wonder perfectionism leads to psychological disorders like anorexia, depression, and anxiety! Because we start to think that only by being perfect we’ll be valuable. And only then will we deserve the love and acceptance we need to be happy.

The desire to excel pushes us to aim high. To reach for the moon, knowing that even if we miss, we’ll land among the stars. But the desire to be perfect is nothing but a free ticket for a ride straight down to hell. One that only leads to misery and despair.

The perfect can only be found in the imperfect. It is by making mistakes that we grow. By failing that we succeed. By knowing the ugly that we value the beautiful.

I used to think that striving for perfection took strength and self-discipline. Now I realize it is the other way around. The real challenge lies in accepting our imperfections. Working through them. And thriving as a result of them. It’s about learning to be perfectly imperfect!

So next time you feel like a failure because you didn’t achieve the level of perfection you were looking for, make sure you remember this: Good is good enough. Excellent is even better. But perfect is nothing but a fantasy. Something that only exists in your imagination. But that if pursued can become your worst enemy.

The perfect can be the enemy of all that’s good. So don’t let it!


Is the Perfect the Enemy of the Good?


Voltaire once said “perfect is the enemy of the good.” And as a perfectionist in recovery I can say without hesitation, boy was he right!


Having high standards motivates us to work hard and to excel in life.


However, the desire to be perfect, only handicaps us. It stops us from doing what we’d really like to do. And if it doesn’t, it deprives us of the pleasure of enjoying what we pursue.


Here’s what happens when we reach for perfection:


We become Haunted by Failure


Under the false illusion that our path in life should be a straight line, we become terrified of curves and detours. Nothing sounds more catastrophic than the idea of making a mistake. So we become scared to death of taking risks. Of going beyond the unknown to try something new.


We don’t see failure as an opportunity to learn and to grow. But only as the most intimidating threat to be feared. So we do everything in our power to avoid it at all costs. Even if it means we stop living.


We Fail to Enjoy Success


If we see failure as our enemy then success would be our foremost ally, right? Well no. Even if we succeed, our expectations are such that any success is perceived as trivial. When we accomplish a goal we underestimate it. And fail to savor it.


There’s always something that could have been done better. A mistake that could have been avoided. A detail that shouldn’t have been missed. In the end, there’s always something that we failed to do, even if we succeeded. Because we failed to be perfect.


We Become Color Blind


Through our perfectionist glasses we only perceive two colors on the paint palette: black or white. We fail or we succeed. We lose or we win. We are right or we are wrong. We are happy or we are miserable. We go through life swinging from one extreme to the other.


We don’t feel comfortable in the gray. So we’re uncomfortable all the time. We desire to be perfect so badly that we don’t realize the greatness of a beautiful yet imperfect life. And because we don’t, we miss out on all the wonderful colors of the rainbow.


We Think We’re Superman


We start to believe that we can achieve the impossible. The humanly impossible. We set the bar unattainably and unrealistically high. So high indeed that we can’t even see where it is. Yet we keep trying to reach for that perfect plateau. Because we’re convinced it exists. Not realizing we’re only setting ourselves up for failure and disappointment.


We think, ‘if it isn’t perfect, it isn’t worth it”. And because nothing is, we just stop trying. We start to believe whatever we do, we’ll fail anyway. So we give up. Because trying to achieve the unachievable becomes too heavy a burden to bear.


We Let our Imperfection Define Us


We start to base our self-worth on how perfect we are. And when we realize we’re not even close to being perfect, nor will we ever be, we’re fooled by the idea that we aren’t really worth anything.


So we do everything we can to look perfect. To act perfect. To be perfect. No wonder perfectionism leads to psychological disorders like anorexia, depression, and anxiety! Because we start to think that only by being perfect we’ll be valuable. And only then will we deserve the love and acceptance we need to be happy.


The desire to excel pushes us to aim high. To reach for the moon, knowing that even if we miss, we’ll land among the stars. But the desire to be perfect is nothing but a free ticket for a ride straight down to hell. One that only leads to misery and despair.


The perfect can only be found in the imperfect. It is by making mistakes that we grow. By failing that we succeed. By knowing the ugly that we value the beautiful.


I used to think that striving for perfection took strength and self-discipline. Now I realize it is the other way around. The real challenge lies in accepting our imperfections. Working through them. And thriving as a result of them. It’s about learning to be perfectly imperfect!


So next time you feel like a failure because you didn’t achieve the level of perfection you were looking for, make sure you remember this: Good is good enough. Excellent is even better. But perfect is nothing but a fantasy. Something that only exists in your imagination. But that if pursued can become your worst enemy.


The perfect can be the enemy of all that’s good. So don’t let it!

Is the Perfect the Enemy of the Good?
Robert Lu